Monday, April 21, 2008

UPCOMING: Join EnlightenNext's Andrew Cohen for a discussion on "The Higher We" SUN, April 27th in DC from 1:00pm - 6:00pm

The Emergence of the "Higher We"
Sunday, April 27th from 1:00–6:00pm

Join Andrew Cohen at the HRC on Sunday, April 27th for an afternoon of dialogue and discussion about the evolution of consciousness and the creation of a new future. Refreshments will be served. The Equality Center at The Human Rights Campaign is located closet to the Dupont Circle Metro in Washington, DC at 1640 Rhode Island Ave, NW.

See Andrew speak about "The Higher We" in a 5 minute video here:

For complete details and to register click here:">">

Monday, March 31, 2008

UPCOMING: MD Network for Spiritual Progressives will be meeting on MON, April 21st

The next MD Network for Spiritual Progressives meeting will be held in Adelphi, MD on Mon 4/21. If you need a ride from the Greenbelt metro email

For complete details and more events, see

UPCOMING: Women, Faith and Development Summit to End Global Poverty SUN, April 13th at 2:00pm, Free

The next one is truly interfaith - not just Christian - Sponsors from a Jewish Women's group and Muslim - but you have to really read the website to see all the info.

"Breakthrough: The Women, Faith and Development Summit to End Global Poverty"
Sun 04/13/08 02:00 PM Location: Washington National Cathedral, Free

Co-chaired by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and other world leaders, Breakthrough will serve as a forum for international leaders from faith communities, governments, donors and NGOs to convene and announce new commitments to engender global poverty alleviation efforts. The Summit will also serve as a launching platform for the Women, Faith and Development Alliance's multi-year advocacy and action campaign for increasing investments in women's and girls' empowerment worldwide. This landmark event provides a unique opportunity for the women, faith and development communities to put their collective weight behind common cause.

The Breakthrough Summit on April 13th is open to the public. There is no cost to attend; however, registration is required. Please click here <> to access the on-line registration for general public seating.
If you experience any difficulties with the online registration process, please email for assistance.

Scheduled in conjunction with the Washington National Cathedral's Centennial Year <>,

Breakthrough: The Women, Faith and Development Summit to End Global Poverty on April 13-14 will achieve the broadest possible reach for the kick off of the WFDA advocacy and communications platform with a wide range of activities and processes designed to be transformational, informational and inspirational. Envisioned as a three-day event, the Summit will feature world faith, development, political, and corporate leaders, as well as draw individuals and representatives from local, national and international organizations.

Breakthrough: The Women, Faith and Development Summit to End Global Poverty Planning Team is under the leadership of the Cathedral's Center for Global Justice and Reconciliation together with the WFDA co-conveners and interested participant organizations, including various global coalitions who focus on poverty reduction and gender equality.

UPCOMING: Middle East Peace Interfaith Prayer Service and Workshop SUN, April 13th at 2:00pm

Shalom and salaam. Sharing Jerusalem USA and other partner organizations as a co-sponsor of an exciting new campaign — called Give Peace a Chance. You are invited to participate in an interfaith prayer service and workshop featuring Warren Clark, Executive Director, Churches for Middle East Peace, on Sunday, April 13th at 2 PM at St John's Episcopal Church of Georgetown (3240 O St. N.W. – free parking across the street at the Hyde School). The purpose of the initial workshop will be to discuss the Campaign and how to best implement and coordinate it throughout the Baltimore - Washington metro area.

The goal of the Campaign is to engage in activities that will help to create measurable and documented improvements in conditions on the ground in Palestine and Israel, thereby increasing the chances that a negotiated peace settlement will be successful. The plan includes monthly prayer services followed by educational workshops, both focused on peace.

Would you and your church or religious organization like to become a partner with us? For further information please contact Sharing Jerusalem's Facilitator, Rev. Monroe Wright at

Note: You can forward this blog posting by clicking on the envelope icon below.

UPCOMING: Generosity Weekend April 11th-13th!

Generosity Weekend, a national weekend of creative positive action, is April 11-13, 2008. Learn more and join in the fun at:

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

UPCOMING: To see other MD events and to read more about the Network for Spritual Progressives

NSP Main Page, where you can read a lot about the vision of NSP:

NSP Maryland chapter, for other area events and announcements:

PAST: TUES, March 25th, Heart of Now workshop with Debby Sugarman

Introduction to the Heart of Now - led by Debby Sugarman
Tuesday, March 25th

Heart of Now is a practice of awareness and honesty. When we are fully aware of what we are feeling and thinking in each moment, we can be more centered in our selves and engage in the kind of openhearted, honest communication that is crucial for creative, effective activism. Maryland location - Please RSVP to 716-479-1490 or for details and location.

NOTE: Debby Sugarman an active member of NSP locally, and has been trained in Oregon in a process that can help add depth and awareness to our activism. In order to be the change we want in the world, we all need practice in being present with ourselves and others. Come and share in this generous gift to our chapter, this powerful learning/practice opportunity! RSVPs requested.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

PAST: Split this Rock Poetry Festival, Featured Readings this THURS , MAR 20th - SUN, MAR 23rd! $8 per event

Split this Rock! Poetry Festival is happening this Thursday through Sunday! Below are the featured readings that are open to the public "a la carte" that you can attend. $8 admission, $5 students. Readings on Thursday at 8 pm, Friday at 5 and 8, Saturday at 5 and 8, and Sunday at noon. All readings, unless noted, are at Bell Multicultural High School, located at 16th and Irving St, NW, Close to the Columbia Heights Metro Yellow or Green line or accessible by metro bus S2 or S4 along 16th St.

Thursday, March 20th at 8:00pm

Featured Readings by:
Martín Espada
Sam Hamill
E. Ethelbert Miller
Naomi Shihab Nye
Alix Olson

Friday, March 21st at 5:00

Featured Readings by:
Grace Cavalieri
Stephen Kuusisto
Joel Dias Porter (DJ Renegade)
Ishle Yi Park
Winners of “The World & Me” Youth Poetry Contest

Friday, March 21st at 8:00

Featured Readings by:
Jimmy Santiago Baca
Brian Gilmore
Semezhdin Mehmedinovic
Patricia Smith
Jeffrey Thomson (Winner, STR Poetry Contest)
Susan Tichy

Saturday, March 22nd at 5:00

Featured Readings by:
Coleman Barks
Lucille Clifton
Pamela Uschuk
Belle Waring

Saturday, March 22nd at 8:00

Featured Readings by:
Dennis Brutus
Kenneth Carroll
Mark Doty
Carolyn Forche
Alicia Ostiker

Sunday, March 23rd at Noon

At The George Washington University
Cafritz Conference Center
800 21st Street, NW
Metro to Foggy Bottom, blue or orange line

Featured Readings by:
Galway Kinnell
Sharon Olds

For complete Bio's of readers and for more info:

Sunday, March 16, 2008

PAST: United for Peace and Justice events in DC March 16th - 19th

Sunday, March 16th
UFPJ will participate in the planning and organizing for what we hope will be the largest nonviolent civil disobedience action yet against the war in Iraq.

Wednesday, March 19th
5th Anniversary of the War UFPJ action in DC

United for Peace and Justice also supports the Iraq Veterans Against the War and its Winter Soldier activities in Washington, DC, on March 13th-16th. Video feed online

See info at UFPJ home page

PAST: Come out with CODEPINK this Week ! Events SUN March 16th - SUN March 23rd

As you know, March 19th will mark the beginning of the 6th year of the illegal U.S. occupation of Iraq. Join CODEPINKers and activists from all over the country at these creative actions in the coming week. Some of those events are highlighted below. For a complete list of events and actions you can email or call CodePink directly.

CODEPINK Contact Info and The Pink House Address:

The Pink House 712 5th St, NE between G & H St, NE
Metro: Red line to Union Station, a five block walk from there
Contact: or call 202.290.1301 for more info

Events this Sun, March 16th – Sun, March 23rd:

Sunday, March 16th at Noon:
Orientation - Work Party at the Pink House
Find out what's planned for the upcoming week of powerful actions and help create visuals!

Sunday night, March 16th, 7:00pm - Midnight
Peace Party at Busboys and Poets!
Metro: U St, Busboys is at the corner of 14th and V
This should be a super event! I encourage to come on out!

Join CODEPINK and other peace activists to thank the Iraqi Vets for their Winter Soldier testimonies, gear up for actions for the 5th anniversary of the war, and celebrate peace in a time of war. Dancing, singing, poetry, inspiring words from frontline peace activists!

Tuesday, March 18th from Noon – 2:00pm:
Restore the Constitution Action!
Meet at the National Archives Metro
700 Pennsylvania Ave, NW

Tuesday, March 18th Evening Event at Busboys and Poets
Metro: U St, Busboys is at the corner of 14th and V St
Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping
Rev Billy comes to Washington on the anniversary of Shock and Awe with his preacher message of "Peacealuyah! Congress, Stop Shopping for War!"

Tuesday, March 18th at the 9:30 Club, 815 V St, NW
Metro: U St, African American Civil War Memorial Exit
Evening We Care Hip Hop Concert
Featuring: Saigon, Mia X, Mambo Sauce, Wise Intelligent, Uncalled 4 Experience, GRIME, Rebel Diaz, Sess 4-5, Akir, Emoni Fela, Head-Roc and more!
Pre-Concert Party in front of the 9:30 Club starting at 6:00pm, Doors at 7:30pm
Tickets: $15 Tickets can be purchased online at: (highly recommended) or at the box office

Wednesday, March 19th:
Direct Action on the 5th anniversary of the war in Iraq
Contact CodePink directly for details on the Actions for that day

Wednesday, March 19th from 7:00-9:00
Weekly Potluck and Rock and Roll Party!
Potluck will be at The Pink House
Around 9:00pm, those left standing will make their way to the Rock and Roll Hotel for a dance party!

Thursday March 20 - Sunday March 23
Split this Rock Poetry Festival
Celebrate poetic resistance to war with workshops and performances. Full schedule at:
Poets of note for CodePink:

Thursday, March 20th at 8:00pm
Poetry Reading by Alix Olson
Bell Multicultural High School
3101 16th Street, NW
Close to the Columbia Heights Metro, yellow or green line
Also accessible by bus, S2 or S4 to 16th and Irving St, NW

Friday, March 21st at 5:00 pm
Poetry Reading by Ishle Park
Bell Multicultural High School

Note: If you want to connect with a CodePinker there,
call poet activist pinkster Lori at 317-902-8221


PAST: Candlelight Vigil at Lafayette Park WED, March 19th at 6:00pm, Organized by Move On

On Wednesday, March 19th, thousands of people will gather at candlelight vigils throughout the country to mark the 5th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. In addition to honoring the fallen, we'll send a clear message in this sinking economy: it's time to end the war, and start using the billions wasted every week on the Iraq occupation to help folks here at home.Republicans are trying to tell a story that opposition to the war is declining. The media will be looking to this anniversary as an indicator, and we need to turn out in force.

In the last five years that we have been in Iraq, tens of thousands of American troops and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed or injured; and the war will cost more than $3 trillion— most of which we have been borrowing from China - and money that is desperately needed for our country and communities. MoveOn members who are veterans and military family members have sent MoveOn dozens of stories to read at the vigils.

There's a vigil in Washington, DC—can you make it on Wednesday? See website for a complete list of vigil locations. The one I think is most powerful will be in front of the White House at Lafayette Park, so I encourage you to come there if you can!

Iraq War 5th Anniversary Vigil
H St NW & Jackson Pl, NW at Lafayette Park

Here's the link to RSVP:

PAST: "Debating the Surge in Iraq" Panel Discussion, THURS, March 20th from 11:30am - 1:30pm, Free

Please join the Center for American Progress for a special presentation:
Debating the Surge in Iraq

Thursday, March 20, 2008, 11:30am to 1:30pm
Center for American Progress, Washington, DC
Please RSVP for this Event, details below

Featured Panelists:
Major General Robert Scales, U.S. Army, retired
Andrew Bacevich, Professor, Boston University
Michèle Flournoy, President and Co-Founder, Center for New American Security

Moderated by:
Lawrence Korb, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress

On the fifth anniversary of the Iraq invasion, the Center for American Progress will host a panel discussion to assess the impact of the surge of over 30,000 American troops which took place in 2007. Panelists will analyze the impact of the surge on the security situation in Iraq, its effect on Iraq's political process, the indirect costs of the war, and where the United States should go from here. The panel will also discuss the secondary and tertiary reasons behind the recent security improvement and the internal and external displacement of over 5 million Iraqis. With the drawdown of the surge forces already underway, our panel will also consider the effect of the surge on overall U.S. security interests in the Middle East and the indirect costs of the war in Iraq.

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Program: 12:00pm to 1:30pm
A light lunch will be served at 11:30.
Admission is free.

Center for American Progress
1333 H St. NW, 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20005
Metro: Blue/Orange Line to McPherson Square or Red Line to Metro Center

RSVP for this Event at
For more information, please call 202-682-1611

PAST: Maryland NSP meets this MON night, March 17th, at 7:30pm in Adelphi, MD

Below are the details from

Monday, March 17 at 7:30pm
NSP MD Meeting at Paint Branch Unitarian Church
3215 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, Maryland

We will focus on NSP's upcoming nation-wide Generosity Weekend - held on April 12-13th as our taxes are due. We are asking that our taxes support our NSP values and not continued excessive spending on militarization of our foreign policy and on-going war. We will learn more about and discuss NSP's Generosity Weekend and do some planning for activities around it - such as added emphasis on NSP's Global Marshall Plan/Consultation on the Global Commons which David Hart, NSP's new Director of Advocacy and Outreach, discussed at last month's meeting

PAST: March 16th - 19th Events that you can take part in "On the 5th Anniversary of the Iraq War" with 5 years too many!

Let your voice be heard! You can join others in Creative Nonviolent Actions taking place in DC from March 16th - March 19th. See links and contact info below for more info!

SUN-TUES, March 16th-18th

Action Convergence at the Warehouse Theater, 1017 7th St, NW (There is also a great ART exhibit there on "Peace Now!" with lots of local artists and friends that I encourage you to check out while you are there!)Metro: just a block from Mt Vernon Sqaure - Convention Center on the yellow and green line or a few blocks from Gallery-Place Chinatown, Red line.

TUES March 18th
5 Minutes for Peace Sound the Alarm at Union Station: 5:00pm Sharp at 400 N. Capitol St. Metro: Red line to Union Station or you can take the Circulator Bus from K St downtown

WED March 19th
McPherson Square, 15th & K St, NW
Metro: Blue or Orange line to McPherson Square

7:30am begin time, events all day long! Information, Education, and Music ALL DAY!
8:00am Actions begin all over DC
5:00pm March on the DNC, gather at the Reflecting Pool, West of the Capitol

5 Years Too Many
call: 1-877-5 PEACE 5

Friday, March 14, 2008

PAST: Encourage Diversity and learn about "The Person Behind the Face" SAT, March 15th in Takoma Park, 5:30 - 7:30pm, Free

Sat. March 15, 5:30 -7:30 pm: "The Person Behind The Face." The Montgomery County (MD) Committee on Hate Violence (COHV) presents and Cheryl Kravitz, President of CRK Communications and co-chair for community outreach for COHV, will moderate the session at The Culture Shop at Blair Rd. NW at Cedar/Takoma Metro. RSVP to or call 202 726 2211. Refreshments will be served. Donations encouraged.

The Culture Shop is just a few steps from the metro at Takoma Park, when you get out of the metro, turn right and go under the overpass. The store is right there on the right hand side.